The relationship between learning and performance support

E-Learning Provocateur

This post is the third in a series in which I deliberate over the semantics of education.

I dedicate this one to Jane Hart whom I was delighted to meet in-person in Sydney last month. Jane is a renowned advocate of performance support in the workplace, and I wonder what she’ll make of my latest musing.

While much of Jane’s work exposes the difference between training and performance support ? and implores us to do less of the former in favour of the latter ? my post here does not. The difference between training and performance support proxies (at least IMHO) the difference between formal and informal learning, and I do not intend to rehash that which others such as Jane have already documented so well.

Instead, I intend to explore the relationship between learning and performance support, with the former considered in its informal context.

I hasten to…

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Pubblicato da soudaz

Mi piace fare bene ciò che faccio: tra il farlo bene e il farlo male si spende la stessa energia, per cui.... anche se l'errore mio fa parte integrante del mio apprendimento e miglioramento continuo!

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