Three key issues about Open Educational Resources (OERs)

Learning about e-learning

As the 3 year UKOER drew to a close  and the final evaluation of the HEFCE funded intervention in OER was published  (McGill et al, 2013), what lessons have been learnt and how do they compare with the current findings of the OER research Hub?

It was difficult to identify just 3 key issues with OERs as there are so many models and perspectives that the learning objects could be viewed from, with each model producing a different perspective on the overall impact of OERs; be this good or bad. However, the OER Research Hub is starting to produce more polarised reports focused around three main topics and it is these I shall concentrate on.


  1. Learner Performance – The OER Research Hub identifies OERs having a positive impact on learner performance and satisfaction; this being mainly composed of the views of educators and less so of their students. Whereas this…

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Pubblicato da soudaz

Mi piace fare bene ciò che faccio: tra il farlo bene e il farlo male si spende la stessa energia, per cui.... anche se l'errore mio fa parte integrante del mio apprendimento e miglioramento continuo!

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