Top 5 benefits of open badges for corporates

E-Learning Provocateur

I’ve been blogging a lot about open badges lately. That really means I’ve been thinking a lot about open badges lately, as I use my blog as a sense-making platform.

Through my blogging, combined with the insightful discussions following both Badges of honour and The past tense of open badges, I have been able to consolidate my thoughts somewhat.

This consolidation I rehash share with you now in the form of my Top 5 benefits of open badges for corporates.

Carrot badge

1. Open badges can motivate employees to learn.

Badges are widely perceived as being childish, yet there is no denying that the game mechanics that underpin them can work. Some people are incredibly motivated by badges. Once they’ve earned one, they want to earn another.

You will note that I am using weasel words such as “can” and “some”. This is because badges don’t motivate everyone – just ask…

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Pubblicato da soudaz

Mi piace fare bene ciò che faccio: tra il farlo bene e il farlo male si spende la stessa energia, per cui.... anche se l'errore mio fa parte integrante del mio apprendimento e miglioramento continuo!

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